Have you managed to make a perfect pizza and now thinking about how to cut it equally into six pieces?

If there is a group of six friends, nobody will take a smaller pizza size, so you must cut the slices equally. If you are trying hard to get your pizza slices right, you can try a few remedies now.

The internet suggests many instruments for cutting the pizza into six equal slices. The first thing that you can use is a pizza cutting guide. It is a form of a slab with pizza slices marking made on it.

All you need to do is place your pizza on it and cut it in the right direction directly above the markings. Your pizza is ready to be cut into the slices equally.

Using a pizza protractor

The pizza protractor is another type of instrument commonly found in supermarkets. Many professional pizza makers use it to cut the slices equally into pieces. It is a double-sided cutter; one side of it is flat, whereas the other is circular.

You use it to cut in straight as well as circular or curved directions. It is generally made up of stainless steel and is easy to handle. Protector works best for cutting pizzas as they are circular.

Cut a pizza into 6 slices Using a pizza protractor

Using a circular metal cutter

You use a circular metal cutter for cutting cakes. It’s circular with flat metal pieces attached to it on the inner side to form a sort of divider. All you need to do is to place the metal cutter over the pizza and press it hard.

The circular cutter passes through the pizza dough and cuts it equally into slices. Now gently remove the metal cutter. But be careful while using it; you might hurt your skin, so better baking gloves for protection.

Cut a pizza into 6 slices Using a circular metal cutter

Using a knife

If you do not want to purchase any instruments for cutting or you are not a professional pizza maker and make pizza at home sometimes, you can also cut the pizza into slices using a knife.

First, place the pizza on a cutting tray and then make a straight cut throughout the pizza’s length. Next, make two cuts throughout the size of the pizza-making a cross or x. By this method, your pizza is cut equally into six slices.

Cut a pizza into 6 slices using a knife

Using monohedral disc

A monohedral disc is more a mathematical tool than a kitchen tool. You use it if you are very particular about the size of the pizza slices, and you don’t want to be unfair to someone. It is simply a round disc with six sides, and you can rotate it to cut as many slices as you want equally.

Cut a pizza into 6 slices using monohedral disc


A pizza is, after all, a pizza, and everybody loves it no matter what shape or size it is. So, don’t be worried about what size or number of slices you have. Savor your hot pizza.