Sugar, flour, butter, and eggs are probably ingredients you’ll always tend to have plenty of if you bake a lot. They’re often seen as the essentials but they’re not the be-all and end-all of all ingredients for baking goods.

There are times when you might not have those ingredients in stock or you might want some healthier alternatives. This article will list some healthy baking substitutes for these ingredients that will bring a new twist to your food and make it healthier in the process.

Substituting Ingredients

While you may be tempted to use all of the listed ingredients as substitutes, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

The primary ingredients of flour, butter, and eggs are used a lot because they work well together and make a baked product easy to make. If you are following a particular recipe it is recommended to switch one of those ingredients out so that the result remains the same.

It should be noted that if you want to substitute all of the basic ingredients you will want to look for different recipes incorporating them. Many of these alternative ingredients are widely being used and have many healthy recipes featuring them.

Healthy Baking Substitutes

Let us look at the baking substitutes we can use. Some of these can be substituted in multiple instances and will be listed:

Nut Flour

Substitute For: Flour

Nut flour is a great and healthy substitute for regular flour as it is much more saturated. Nut flour is made from grinding nuts the most common of which is almond nuts. Cashew or hazelnut can also be ground if you don’t want to use almond nuts.

Nut Flour

Making them only requires the use of a food processor to grind them. You can then store them in an airtight container and you’ll see that they last for quite a while. Since nut flour is much more saturated you can achieve the same effects of your usual flour by using less nut flour.

If you are worried about the texture you can add a small amount of leavening agent like baking powder to make the texture lighter.

Best Used In:

Nut flour is best used to substitute regular flour in cookies and cakes.

Coconut Flour

Substitute For: Flour

If you don’t want to use nut flour, coconut flour also serves as an amazing alternative for flour. Dried, grounded coconut is used to make coconut flour. Coconut flour is gluten-free and even better is that it has a much higher fiber and protein content while lowering the amount the carbohydrate intake.

Coconut Flour

It should be noted that coconut flour is bitter and if used in excess can ruin the taste. So you should substitute in a lower amount of coconut flour to ensure there is no bitter taste. 1/3rd of a cup is generally recommended.

Best Used In:

Coconut flour is best used as a substitute in pancakes, muffins, and some bread.

Coconut Sugar

Substitute For: Sugar

While we’re on the topic of coconuts, coconut sugar is also a great alternative for sugar. Unlike table sugar, coconut sugar has a lower carbohydrate count and won’t raise your sugar levels which makes them consumable by diabetic patients.

Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar is made from the sap of coconut trees. It retains some of the minerals from that sap including minerals like iron, zinc, and potassium. While the mineral count isn’t as high as some other foods, it does make coconut sugar a much healthier alternative over regular table sugar.

Best Used In:

Coconut sugar can be used as a sweetener and thus used in many baked goods to add sweetness.


Substitute For: Sugar

While we all love sugar and use it a lot there’s no denying that consuming does result in consuming empty calories. An alternative to retaining sweetness while preventing the consumption of empty calories is by switching sugar with honey.


Honey contains many vitamins and minerals and unlike sugar, it doesn’t spike your blood sugar levels as much. You can sweeten and make many baked foods taste good by adding some honey while also making eating them healthy.

Best Used In:

Honey is a really good sweetener and can be used in a variety of baked goods to add a sweet flavor. It is recommended to add 1/3rd of a cup of honey for every 1 cup of sugar.


Substitute For: Butter, Sugar

Applesauce is a versatile ingredient and can serve as a suitable substitute for both sugar and butter. Applesauce contains far fewer calories compared to sugar and thus is a much healthier alternative. It adds a great deal of sweetness and a unique taste to your baked foods.


When adding applesauce it should be noted to add it in small amounts. The water content of applesauce is quite high and the high water content can interfere with your baking. So try not to go overboard with the applesauce.

Best Used In:

Applesauce is a suitable alternative for use in cakes and cookies.


Substitute For: Eggs

Eggs are often a mainstay due to their ability to help hold the batter together. The best substitute for them is grounded flaxseed. Flaxseed is a very healthy alternative containing omega-3 fatty acids, a high amount of fiber and also being an anti-oxidant. They also help with diabetes.


Flaxseed is an incredibly healthy substitute for eggs and does much of the same job in helping with making the batter. It is recommended to keep some stored in your fridge as they’re a really valuable alternative.

Best Used In:

Flaxseeds are best used in making muffins and cakes. You can also use them for making cookies and bread.

Ripened Bananas

Substitute For: Sugar, Butter

Ripened Bananas

Ripened bananas have higher sugar content. This makes them usable as sweeteners. Bananas are rich in potassium and vitamin B6 and so are healthy substitutes. After bananas have ripened they become softer which allows them to be used in place of butter.

Best Used In:

Ripened bananas find use in many different baked foods. Some of them include pancakes, bread, and muffins. Some chocolate flavored cakes may also use bananas as an alternative.


Substitute For: Butter

If you are sensitive to dairy products and want an alternative to butter that tastes good and is healthy, look no further than avocados. Avocados are very healthy and have much lower calories and fat in them compared to butter.


Mashing avocados will give a similar consistency to butter. When adding avocado, make sure to add half of the amount of butter you would usually add to a particular baked food.

Best Used In:

Avocados can be used in cookies and cakes to add a distinct flavor.


These listed baking substitutes are handpicked and tend to be commonly used and can be substituted for a variety of different baked products. Not only are they much healthier they can also add a distinct new flavor to your cakes, cookies, and muffins. Happy cooking!